Mar 8 Membership Report


Membership Report as of March 8

As of March 8, the Department of Texas is ranked number 34 among all Departments. Our total membership is 54,694 or 88.22% of goal. According to our Department statistics for the same date, we have 55,640 members, or 89.74% of goal. The comparison Report indicates we are 1.650 members short as of this date last year. However, if you factor in the 946 members we have, and have not made the national report, we are only 704 members short of last year’s membership as of this date. We have a very short period to find those 704 members to meet the 90% goal. We are 6,360 members from meeting our goal of 62,000 members. You cannot characterize that goal as unattainable if you have not tried.

Have you ever watched a track meet? The runner who wins is the one who has a “kick” on the last lap. We are entering the last lap. Do you have a “kick?”


For God and Country

John Hince